There are eight required steps before CM4D Workcell can be run:
For use with Workcell, you need to develop two .DataSmith translator files: Actuals and Nominals. Each file can only have ONE config. A standard translator file may be used, but keep in mind that CM4D Workcell only processes certain types of files:
One Actuals translator for the Samples:
A Nominal translator is optional. You can define one for use with Workcell, but it must have only ONE config as well.
When a new version of CM4D Workcell is installed, you may need to open and close DataSmith one time to establish the location of your translator.
CM4D Workcell uses a startup document specific to Workcell. If your document is not a Workcell type managed document, or you are not the owner of the Workcell managed document, the following error message will appear when you try to run Workcell: "Startup template must be a managed workcell document.
It is best to manage the document as a Workcell type managed document prior to defining the events in the DataSet(s).
Start with an existing CM4D Interactive startup template or create a new CM4D Interactive document in CM4D Classic:
Using DataUtility or CM4D Interactive, modify any routines that will be used for alarming in CM4D Workcell to be monitored. Set the Monitor flag to Data Processed or End of Subgroup. This is the same setting that is used by CM4D Scheduler event processing.
Using EventSmith, subscribe to any events (DataSet events) that will be used for alarming in CM4D Workcell. In EventSmith, the DataSource, Event (DataSet event), and report must be defined for any events used for alarming in Workcell.
Define the folders that will be used by CM4D Workcell. These folder names are fully user definable. If you use the default names (e.g. Inbox, Rejected, etc.), Workcell will automatically detect when they are created within the Workcell home folder.
If you would like to assign alternate names for these folders, make sure the connection paths correspond in the Paths tab of the Workcell Settings dialog.
All Workcell folders must exist, be writable by the user, and be local to the Workcell computer (or referenced by a UNC path). Mapped drives are not supported as valid Workcell folder paths.
Configure the data collectors to send data to the Workcell Inbox.
Setup the path to the Workcell folder in the [Workcell] section of the cm4d.ini file. The Workcell folder name is user defined, but it must be local to the Workcell computer (i.e., the folder cannot be on a mapped drive, nor can it be referenced by a UNC path).
Setup the reference CM4Di startup document. The startup document must be a Workcell type managed document.
Modify the tree value.
Workcell forces the Tree value programmatically using the values in the Cm4d.ini file. This means that if you are running in Workcell mode, no matter what this value is set to, Workcell will use the "Unique" NavTree node type.
Place the files Workcell.dtd and Workcell.xml in the Workcell Home folder (e.g. Home="C:\Workcell").
These files are provided with your ATS CM4D Installation.
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